Thursday, August 10, 2017

Joe Budden & The Everyday Struggle Of Happiness... Is No Longer A Struggle

I never thought that something so lighthearted and beautiful could hit me so heavy and ugly. This particular day, August 10th of 2017, I woke up in a much more peaceful environment mentally than I'm normally accustomed to. It could have been the great sleep I got, which is a rarity nowadays, it could have been the woman lying next to me, it could have been not waking up still drunk (for once), or it could have been the endless possibilities of what to do on a day off of work. Either way, I rubbed her stomach and kissed her cheek with a smile on my face, preparing her for her day, and ultimately preparing me for mine. I knew the moment was going to end, but I grabbed that moment by the balls like I was checking it for torsion. I felt an embarrassingly similar feeling, as she walked out to her car and gave me a kiss on the cheek as she said goodbye, to what Joe Budden feels like; every... single... morning... on Everyday Struggle. Such an ironic show title for a man who appears to have it all, or better yet, appears to have exactly the riches he needs, and making the most out of every last cent of it.

If you know Joe Budden, the rapper, you already know Joe Budden, the man. There hasn't been any single instance of separation between the two since Joe's career launched with his self-titled debut a whopping 14 years ago, in June of 2003. Joe's honesty and uncut recording of his entire life through Joe Budden TV on YouTube created a whole new subgenre in rap that many artists still use effectively today; the "every day life" video series. Whether it was fighting with his girlfriend,  arguing with old racist guys in fast food restaurants, or receiving support from old friends, Joe has laid out every delicate detail on who he hangs out with, how his brain works, and what he's done. Joe Budden the man so easily gets confused and misconstrued because Joe Budden the Twitter personality's antics do not always dictate or reflect how Joe Budden the man feels; because Joe Budden the rapper, the YouTube personality, and the man, is a (fun-loving) troll.

Too often in life (if I'm allowing Joe to be another example of a point), people take every last word that somebody says and every last action they make to heart; for too many reasons we won't get into. One person's nightmare is another person's dream, and in merely the last 6 months alone (we won't even get into his well documented past), Joe Budden has been on a very well documented highway through hell; but to whom is it considered hell?  That is a question I won't even begin to answer right now, but in short, Joe has finally done what he has been attempting to do for merely 14 years... successfully separate, and in turn come to grips, with being a media personality, yet also being completely happy in your own space at home. Being happy with who you are is a "Black Cloud" that has hovered over Budden for half of his life, and now, with the success of hip hop's favorite YouTube show, all Joe had left to do was piss off some die hard Budden Stans and stop rapping, find the love of his life (a love that people immediately doubted due to his turbulent history with women), and start a podcast that best showcases the mind of Joe Budden. Oh, and this little bit of news that hit today is probably another step in the right direction, too.

Via Joe Budden's Instagram;

 Also, a video from Joe Budden's YouTube channel.

 (*I do not own these pictures, videos, or the rights to them*)
What a use of one of the most prolific instrumentals --nah, fuck that-- songs I have ever heard from anybody, period (which I have previously expressed my love for here).

Happiness, as they say, is a warm gun. People take what they can from happiness, because it strikes so swiftly and quickly that not to live in the moment of it all would be an insult to memories.  I remember waking up today and trying to compare and contrast with past mornings, what was different and what was the same, what was joy and what was pain, but I didn't do any comparing at all. I found it strange, seeing as this is my most common comfort zone; being able to sit back and process it all at once. But doing so as often as possible can be dangerous. Just live. The reoccurring theme of this (I don't want to call it a diary entry) post seems to be an example being set by one of the most historically unhappy rappers ever, making the best of his relationship, his situation, and his life. So am I sitting back and telling you to track Joe Budden's every movement and conversation?  No, but you do need to understand that somebody with a past as eventful, as depression-filled, as drug riddled, and at times seemingly hopeless as Budden's... makes this news that much more satisfying to see. What I really want to try to do for others, and maybe even myself, is realize that happiness can be found in the most unexpected of places. And though you can't always plan or anticipate how to react to these things, you have every single right to enjoy every last waking moment that you have, even if you're a budding socially awkward writer who looks for inspiration in the most deep, even sometimes unhealthy of places. I woke up today --though still an anxiety filled mess who overthinks every waking moment-- with the world ahead of me, and tomorrow I'm going to do the same damn thing. Well, at least until I go back to work.

Read Budden's beautiful description to his Instagram posts below, and maybe even have a box of tissues on standby.

I Never…. I never knew we’d get here, it’s funny…
I never saw you in that light. Now
I never see light without you.
I never courted you, an if I did
I never acknowledged it.
I never had a friend in romance.
I never thought that was possible.
I never have laughed this much or hard.
I never knew you or your energy were so radiant, enigmatic even…. but
I never knew you……….
I never could’ve been more deprived.
I never felt this way before.
I never not thank God for every intricate detail that make you whole. It makes me whole.
I never imagined you would be as beautiful as you are today, it’s beautiful to be a part of.
Thank you for it all.
Thank you for not only making me stronger, but for being strong enough for us both most times.
Thank you for carrying my child.
Thank you for helping me rectify some generational issues, thank you for helping me get it right. Thank you for making that important to you as well.
Thank you for every I never
Thank you for changing my forever, forever
Thank you for hope, joy & acceptance…
Because if there’s one thing you’ve taught me is that what tomorrow holds, thank GOD, I never know.
I love you.
I love y’all.

PS – ITS FUCKING LIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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