Friday, June 12, 2015

Here Are Some Awesome 2 Part Rap Songs (Beat Switch Ups)

When you hear a single for an upcoming album, there's no doubt you're bumping it the first few weeks it comes out, it almost seems like you can't get enough of it. The single leaves you to wonder what else this means for the upcoming album, like how will it sound overall, will there be a concept to the album, and will your favorite artist put on just as good as they normally do?  All of these are the unexpected twists we can prepare for; however, sometimes when you hear a song it can turn out to be the exact opposite of what you thought it would be in the first place, and this isn't always a bad thing (whether that means how good the songs sounds to you, or what you expected from the track). Here I'll be listing a couple of the coolest 2 part songs in rap (and by 2 part songs, if you don't know, of course I mean by when the beat switches up in the middle of the song).

Drake - Pound Cake/Paris Morton Music 2

Drake is someone who could appear on this list many times because of his several multiple part songs, and one of his most known is "Pound Cake/Paris Morton Music 2." Jay Z also lays down a "cakey" verse on this song as well, but the biggest highlight is the borderline angelic beat transition from "Pound Cake" into "Paris Morton Music 2." This is BEAUTIFUL music at it's finest, you could almost call it... art.

Kendrick Lamar - Sing About Me/I'm Dying Of Thirst

This song is just another brilliant example of why Kendrick Lamar's ability to put together a concept/write with real perspective in lyrics is unrivaled. It's hard to grasp what Kendrick is truly talking about when hearing this at first (I know it took me a few listens to understand it), but once you understand the subject matter, you get a point of view from the people living the struggle. How could one man give multiple perspectives by multiple people you ask?  Did I hear somebody say black Jesus?  No?  Alright, my bad.

Eminem - Bad Guy
                                   (*I do not own these songs, or the rights to any of them*)

Eminem's Marshall Mather's LP 2 received all types of reviews from fans and hip hop writers alike (although a Stan's point of view isn't always a rational one), and even though the album wasn't seen as so great to some, there's no denying that "Bad Guy" was one of the most well thought out and genius concept songs people had heard in awhile. The idea that Stan's little brother Mathew had grown up and sought for revenge from Em for his brother's suicide is a fantastic follow up to "Stan", and although the beat switch up at the end doesn't fully explain the story, it fully explains Eminem's mind state and his changing opinion of rap and how he sees it. Did Eminem grow up?  Probably not, but it's a cool idea to think so when you hear this.

Beat switch ups are always cool to listen to when you're hearing them for the first time, that amazing sense of wonder that music gives you when you're listening to a story being told over a beat cannot be beaten, but it's arguably even cooler to listen to going back through them and knowing what the beat switch's purpose was. Whether they be to change the point of view, change the subject matter or thought process, or even if they're just flat out for fun, listening to the music change in the same song always grabs your attention. Not just hip hop (even though hip hop certainly claims the "beat switch kings" title), but music is progressing in the ideas and concepts people are coming up with, and we'll soon see what will take over next.        

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