Tuesday, May 31, 2016

David Banner Is Suddenly A Political Activist... Did I Miss Something?


This video; a powerful representation of African Americans showing deep anger and hurt with the events that have unfolded in America since the new millennium, since the 50s, since slavery, since; ever. I have to show respect to someone who is willing to put themselves out there in a world where political opinions can kill relationships, can shatter peoples' images, and (in extreme cases) can cost people their lives. But, me being the man who tries to understand both sides of the story, I have to ask; when the FUCK did David Banner become a political activist?

David Banner is known in the hip hop world as many things, but with the events that unfold in this video and the way he shows himself along with the other members of what seem to be a secret society he runs with in the video, he might be using more of his anger than his logic in this scenario.

The video for Banner's new "Black Fist" song violently depicts a group of black males alongside Banner punishing, torturing, and eventually killing a white police officer, which is dragged out for roughly 3 minutes. Now as I said before, I like to be the guy who tries his hardest to understand both sides of a story, and assuming Banner is angry about what has been eating at (not just black lives) different civilians and races all around the country for the past few years, then he wouldn't put himself in such a position to be picked apart by talk show hosts and bloggers everywhere that think their opinions matter in the slightest (wait a minute...).

I also watched a Vlad TV interview with Mr. Banner dating back to July 7th, 2015 (or so it's dated on YouTube). I couldn't help but laugh at what this man was saying, and passing off as "open-mindedness". Banner got to discussing how white people "own everything on this Earth" and how you "can't go anywhere to escape white supremacy". This quote got me especially riled up; "if you look at most hip hop blogs and most things that deal with hip hop, they're now used to crush the hip hop artists." HA. These so called "points" coming from a man (who also believes that labels are objectifying hip hop artists to use the derogatory details of their lives to exploit them) that made THIS.

Are you going to blame this song on the label David?  Hmm?  Did the label write/make you write this song?  I'll first say that if you're not writing your own songs then you lose a lot of credibility in ANY part of the music industry, and probably deserve to be strung around like a puppet, and that goes for artists of ANY race, and also taking into account how many successful indie artists there are out there nowadays. But secondly, if you are writing your own songs, then later on complain about what the label is making you do (again, if you're going to complain about a label, then go indie), but have this song appear on an album of your "Greatest Hits" collection, then you should probably stay in your lane as an artist. If you aren't making the music that YOU want to make, then set the example, and make a change. Check out Banner's interview with Vlad TV below.

(*I do not own any of these songs, videos, interviews or the rights to them*)





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