Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Dave Chappelle Is Back, And His Return Is Giving Me Life

On Wednesday nights from 2003-2005, I remember barging into my sister's room sometimes unannounced and sometimes invited; but either way I was going to watch the coolest and funniest show on television. Though I was too young at the time to realize the impact that David Khari Webber Chappelle would have on my life, every Wednesday night at 10:30, which was well past the time I should have been awake as a budding 10-11 year old, I stayed up and watched Chappelle's Show with a piqued interest. The hip (hop) music, the brain of a scholar (though he didn't attend college), and an unmatched comedic energy kept me zoned in every week to see what crazy antics Dave and friends were up to.

Then abruptly, and viciously, it stopped.

I tuned in to 3 more Dave-less episodes (during the monologues, at least) that became known as "The Lost Episodes" and it felt like there was a void in my life. With all 3 episodes airing a week apart, after each airing, I felt the countdown to oblivion piercing my heart like a dagger. The man who subconsciously taught me about racial equality, schooled me on real hip hop, introducing me to legendary hip hop acts like Black Star, Common, DMX, Erykah Badu and COUNTLESS others, and made me think more than any television show I've seen while touching on issues of the world and making me laugh at the same time... was gone. And I didn't understand why.

Fast forward to 2014; Dave's hiatus is painfully reminded by sprinkles and samples of appearances on late night television and the occasional music festival (though it's better to have a little bit of Dave than none at all), but then it's reported that one of the most thought provoking and lyrical emcees to ever touch a mic, Nas is headlining NYC's Radio City Music Hall music festival hosted by... Dave Chappelle?!?! It was not a dream. The wishes of Dave's return were still not entirely fulfilled, but an event of this magnitude gave the people, me especially, hope.

And then it came. In late 2016 rumors hit of 3 (!) brand new comedy specials coming exclusively to Netflix towards the end of the year, and not seeing them drop before the close of 2016 almost made my heart sink. Why was he toying with our emotions?  Does he not know what he means to us, and comedy as a whole?!  Oh he definitely does.

Regardless on if he knows or not, I wanted to use this platform as a way of thanking Dave for coming back and giving me, and a very large number of other people, life again. Thank you for (partly) introducing me to this beautiful mess we call hip hop, and thank you for being the most brilliant, hilarious, and thought provoking mind I've ever seen. In a world where everything seems to be a mess and there's never an end to the negativity, you make fun of how ridiculous everyone acts and it makes me smile almost more than anything else can. Even though I've made that little message clear in writing before on here, I couldn't say it enough times. Now while I'm off to go cry laughing at Dave's Netflix specials again, you can enjoy a recent interview (March 21st) Dave had with Jimmy Kimmel below.

(*I do not own any of these videos, or the rights to them*)



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