Monday, April 13, 2015

Damn, I've Been Sleeping On Yelawolf (New Song, Eminem Feature)

Awhile ago, my curiosity was peaked when Yelawolf came out with a new jam that was supposed to premiere on one of Sons' Of Anarchy's shows (not sure if the show is still going, I'm pretty sure it isn't, shows you how much I pay attention to that). It was called "Till It's Gone" and it was so different from anything I had heard in hip hop, it was damn near some smooth country blues with some great flows recorded over it. I hadn't heard of any more Yelawolf since this song had came out, and Yelawolf was never the artist to stick in my mind to the point where I wondered what was next from him, but every time he puts out a song I try to pay attention.

His newest leak "Best Friend" boasts a feature from non other than Slim Shady himself, and is set to appear on his newest album Love Story due out next week (April 21st). I hate to admit that Eminem is what drew me in to this song, but by the end of it Eminem wasn't what drew my attention the most about it (even though Em has a very "Em" verse, pretty much the only way to describe it at this point). Yelawolf (from what I've heard from him up to this point, which is not very much) has the ability to fuse great rap and song writing with old southern rock n roll and blues. This is such a different vibe to jam to and much more refreshing than your average rap release. It's like Yelawolf is the perfect artist to make thought provoking, soul searching music and make it sound like you're walking out into the sunset with a guitar strapped around your back, cigarette in hand and the world ready to use as your oyster (don't judge what I see when I heard this, just my imagination at work). Am I incredibly late to how dope Yela is?  Most definitely. Am I going to keep ignoring how dope Yela is?  Absolutely not. Check out "Best Friend" below.

                                              (*I do not own this song, or the rights to it*)


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