Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Snap Chat Video: A Behind The Scenes Look Like Never Before

"Check your Snapchat" is a phrase I hear more often than I'd like to admit. I was just like any other middle aged old man (though only 21 years old now) when I first heard of snap chat taking over popular culture in 2013, even though it seems much longer ago than a mere 2 years (less than that, probably). "Another day, another stupid fad that will disappear in a year, so what, I'll pass", I thought.
Won't last long anyways. Now today hits, 2015, and Snapchat video has given people a look at their favorite celebrities and things in a way never seen before. Is it too much to say that I feel more cultured than ever before because of the live updates Snapchat gives people from countries all over the world?  The NBA playoffs, the World Cup, and right now if you tune into the latest updates you can see people celebrating Kings Day in the Netherlands, and even updates from Cape Town in South Africa. So what relation does this have to rap?  Check out my thoughts.

I follow B.o.B on Snapchat and watch pretty much every one of his updates that he gives. Is it unhealthy hero worship?  Maybe so. Will I stop doing it?  Hell no. You never know what you're going to see, could it be B.o.B smoking a blunt laughing with a couple of hot biznitches?  Or could it be Bob working in the studio on some new material that we might be getting a sneak preview of?  It could also even be a sweet view of South Beach looking like Harvey Dent up in the clouds (if you follow labelnogenre on Snapchat and you've seen the latest update you understand). You're practically right there in front of B.o.B as he gives you updates on what he's doing, where he's going, or if he has some funny stories to tell (or funny rants like the BAE Niykee Heaton, will you marry me?  You don't have to answer now babe). Logic is also known to have a Snapchat that you can follow and watch what he's been up to, he used to give clips of his shows while he was on tour, but the tour must have ended since it's been awhile since he's posted any.

The fact that these artists and celebrities (I don't know any more besides B.o.B or Niykee Heaton that have given their name out, though there are probably many more) are cool enough to give their Snapchat names out shows how much they appreciate their fans, and want to keep them in the loop with what they're doing. How long has is been since the last B.o.B project dropped?  Had to be 2013, maybe the beginning of 2014?  You might be itching for that new music but at least you know he's working when you watch that newest Snapchat update. I don't want to defend these artists more than I should, but honestly how cool is it to see them in a normal, everyday type of setting that other people have to go through (by the way, watching B.o.B wait for his bags at United Airlines is one of the funniest and most relatable things you could see a rapper do.)?

So if you're like me, and thought Snapchat was stupid the second you heard of it, a part of you is right. The part of me that hates how much I use technology today is the part that hates it, but the thought of getting news and events that you wouldn't normally see anywhere else from your favorite artists is the cool part. Like... seriously. Where else would you be able to see B.o.B listening to beats and smoking blunts in the studio?  Breaking out a video camera is too time consuming nowadays. Now all you have to do it unlock, click, hold, upload. Snapchat is breaking new grounds in the "behind the scenes" portion of not just rap, but eventually all music. Now can Dr. Dre put out a Snapchat name so we can see what the hell he's been up to?!  If only.         


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