Thursday, September 25, 2014

Jay Electronica's Album Delay (Also A Brief Case For Why You Should Pay Attention, My Theory)

If there is one thing that compares to Dr. Dre's mythical Detox album (update: not considered "Detox" anymore) in the rap game today (or maybe even the entire music game, probably not but you know) it is probably Jay Electronica's debut album, Act II: The Pledge. This album has been talked about on and off since about 2010, and many Jay fans (some not even Jay fans, rap fans in general) have given up hope on the long-awaited debut. In any other case, I'd say it's hard to argue with the fans that have given up hope. But in this case, to me it's a little different, and let me explain why.

Jay Electronica might be the biggest tease on earth at this point, but it'd be smart to bear with him and see what he has to offer. I'm not saying be a Jay "Stan" and wait for every single release to drop (nobody has that kind of time anyways), but to pay attention to what he does, because when he does do something, it is more than likely a game changer and records like "Exhibit C" and "Better In Tune With Infinite" prove it. The problem is it's hard to tell when we can expect a new record from him, but I'd almost explain him as the Dos Equis man of hip hop (He has a following of fans, without releasing any music [Dos Equis guy voice]. Right? Anybody?).

And that is what I believe the twist with Jay Electronica is, it's an ear/desire to make good music mixed with a fear of releasing bad music (that and the mix of Jay's drug use holding him back, as he said recently in an interview attending the BET Hip-Hop Awards). Jay is such a "game changer" that he wants people to see the difference in him and your every day average rapper. You'd be blind or deaf to say there isn't a difference, but based on today's standards of music (especially rap today, and the mix tape era) and it's listeners, people just don't have the patience to wait. With the availability of music today, whether it be free or not, Jay is asking a lot in what he wants from his fan base. Or is he?

What makes Jay different from the rest of the rap pack?  No I didn't say ratt pack (sorry Logic fans), but if people really cared and maybe you were forced to ask me of my opinion, I'd say it's that Jay is trying to do something different, yet bring rap music back to a simpler, more enjoyable period in time. Jay is pretty old (just turned 38 a few days ago actually) to be considered the every day average XXL freshman, so for him to appreciate the old rap and mix that with his brand of music making, that probably wouldn't give him the every day average "young rapper trying to make it" persona (especially the young part). So the generational gap in not only beliefs, but style comes into play. Not to mention his rumored affiliation with Nas (rumors of his ghostwriting for Nas are insane to me, but a co sign from Nas would NEVER be a bad thing, in fact quite the opposite). And being signed by Jay Z and having your music produced by the legendary Just Blaze isn't a bad case either (has anyone ever noticed the weird "Jay connection" with Roc Nation?  I mean Jay Z, J. Cole, Jay Electronica, seriously what's the deal?).

So should you be interested in what Jay Electronica's next move is?  I say yes. My explanation would probably be a mix between "his music is great and differentiates from the pack" to "I can't describe the fascination with the aura around him." So needless to say I'll be waiting for the next release from him, but the problem is being able to tell when that release is going to be. The man has played his cards pretty close to the chest at this point, so he only draws more interest with that aura already placed around him. An example of this is how often he puts out music. All of his music seems to get a fantastic response from fans, but is that because he so seldom releases music, or because it is really that good?  The fan boy in me can't tell the difference between the 2 (a reason being I've been fascinated with the idea of Detox and it not being released since I first heard about it, I'll go as far as putting Guns N Roses' Chinese Democracy into the equation). All I can hope for for Jay fans everywhere is that you (we) get some sort of answer soon, but the fact that he is performing at the B.E.T Awards in October is certainly a good start.      




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