Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Cassidy vs. Dizaster: Who You Got?

Dizaster might be on of the most decorated battle rappers at this point. While he's never gotten the shine he rightfully deserves, he's taken down the great Canibus and a multitude of other battle rappers, and a recent addition to his list of accomplishments is being one of the first 8 battle rappers to be included on Slaughterhouse's Total Slaughter battle rap competition. His amazing free styling ability along with his great lyrical capabilities are almost one of a kind, even looking at the battle rap circuit as a whole, and his ability to think on his feet so quickly is another aspect of what makes him so great. But he is being challenged yet again by another very noble challenger who is believed by many to be the father of the battle rap style:  Cassidy.

So the headlining point here is that Cassidy is taking his chances in the battle rap ring, just as Joe Budden did in the first annual Total Slaughter. Budden certainly got his butt handed to him, not because his abilities didn't match up, but because he "isn't a battle rapper" is what many people used as their main argument. That is where the argument shifts with somebody like Cassidy:  he's a proven emcee with battle rap experience and bars to build a prison (did you like that line?  I might give this rap thing a try myself). In case your unaware of Cassidy's abilities, here's a pretty good example of them. The song "Mr. Chicken", supposedly put out in early October that includes jabs at fellow battlers Goodz and Dizaster.

Certainly a slept on lyricist who takes pride in what he does, and Dizaster knows who he will be faced up against when the time comes to battle. Dizaster actually spoke about the battle and some details about it on The Heavy Bag Show with host Heavy Bag, and when asked about the details of who will be hosting the battle, Diz said that "it won't be a King Of The Dot event, but they want to incorporate it somehow." The main reason for King Of The Dot having no part in anything Dizaster related is probably because of Diz's highly publicized fight with Math Hoffa during their battle less than a year ago. Diz also stated that they are aiming to take the battle to television, although they're not certain who would host the actual battle.

So now comes the question: who do you got winning this one?  This one to me seems pretty fair and seems like it could be pretty close knowing both battlers' history in the ring, although they have almost complete opposite styles in the ring. Dizaster goes for a more out of control, in your face approach and tries his hardest to embarrass you, while Cassidy is used to the stylish, flavorful rhymes, though they are still filled with heavy punches.

I hate to give an opinion so early, but I feel this one goes to Diz. His energy will probably be a lot for Cassidy to handle, being that Cass is usually the more laid back type of rapper who doesn't put very much emphasis on his lines, although I haven't actually seen Cassidy battle, so maybe his battling style is different from his actual recorded song style. And it is known that if there isn't a rapper that you want to go bar for bar with, it's probably Cassidy (just ask Meek Mill). But I need to know what you think!  Let me know who you think takes it and why in the comment section below, on Twitter, or Google+, and check out Dizaster giving details about the battle in the interview below.

                                   (*I do not own any of these videos, or the rights to them*)



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